The Karnataka BJP has released its second list of 23 candidates for the assembly election to be held next month. The BJP yesterday released the names of candidates for 189 seats in the 224-member assembly, which means 12 more candidates are yet to be announced.
The second list does not include the Hubballi seat, from where the current BJP MLA Jagadish Shettar, who is also a former Chief Minister, wants to contest again. He has threatened a rebellion as an independent if he is not given a ticket.
There are two women in the second list of 23 candidates.
Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai yesterday told reporters the party would release the candidates' list in two phases. It is now certain that a third list will come. The party is likely finalising the names or making last-minute tweaks, considering the threat of contesting as an independent by Mr Shettar, who has won six times from Hubballi.
from NDTV News- Topstories
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